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Stack Emission Monitoring - Specialty Gases Expertise - Qualität & Service - Messer - Specialty Gases

Gas applications Stack Emission Monitoring

Stack Emission Monitoring

Emission Control for Environmental Protection

In order to protect our environment and limit air pollution, a number of strict regulations are in place. Various European and national guidelines prescribe strict limits for emissions from power and industrial plants and transport. Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons from gas, oil or coal combustion plants in particular have to be monitored. Additional measurement of sulfur components is necessary in refineries and paper manufacture. At a minimum, the regulations stipulate periodic measurements. Sampling and analysis must be based on methods enabling reliable, representative and comparable results. Larger plants need to operate continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS). 

Accurate Measurements Require High Precision Calibration Gases

In order to guarantee a high measurement accuracy, even in the lowest concentration ranges, the measuring instruments have to be calibrated with high precision calibration gas mixtures in prescribed, regular intervals. In some cases, calibration gases with a certificate from a laboratory accredited according to EN ISO/IEC 17025 are required. Messer offers these calibration gases as Labline- or Topline-mixtures with an optional certification from an accredited laboratory.


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